Applied TaiJiQuan

Chinese Boxing, Meditation and Yoga

Logo of 13 Dynamics Long Boxing
The logo of the Wudang Tai Chi Chuan Lineage School
A diagram illustrating the traininf elements of Zhongnan Daoist Arts

YuanYi Thirteen Dynamics Long Boxing -  Applied TaiJiQuan

Applied TaiJiQuan, XingYi, Yoga, Meditation, AnMo~Shiatsu based in Gatley, Stockport.

Welcome and thanks for visiting. if you’re interested in self defence,  improving your health, be that through Tai Chi for Health, Traditional Chinese Martial Arts, Daoist Yoga and Meditation, I Ching Consultations or seeking effective physical therapy you might find what you’re looking for, be that small group classes, private tuition or classes in your health club.

I've been training for over forty years and teaching continuously in Stockport, south Manchester since 1993. I was one of the first Practical Tai Chi Chuan instructors to operate outside of London and I was one of the first members of the Tai Chi Union of Great Britain and was a member of their first Technical Panel. (see images below). 

I also offer An-Mo Chinese Bodywork and Massage Therapy  appointments from a Yoga Studio in Heaton Moor, Stockport.

Of course not everybody can commit to attend a regular class or might prefer a direct one on one approach on a more occasional basis, whatever your preference drop an email or call and we can discuss your requirements. 


Email me here.  or……

A quick word on spelling and terminology, due to the fact that in recent history Chinese has been translated in two slightly different ways you will see some slight variations in spelling.

Tai Chi = TaiJi

Hsing I = XingYi

You will also sometimes see the word Chuan or Quan added to the above. Quan or Chuan both mean fist (literally) and by implication boxing to Martial Art. It is often used as a contraction of the phrase QuanFa.

QuanFa = Fist Law

Tao = Dao 

Both of these mean ‘The Way’ and are often used as shorthand for Daoism / Taoism.

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